New Improved Fixed
about 3 years ago

Version 1067

  • βš™οΈ Shortcut wizzes rejoice! Open your task view and use A to add a task to the top of your sub-task list or a to add it to the bottom.
  • βš™οΈ Commenting, sharing, and sorting is clearer than ever, now that each icon is plainly labeled in your projects and filters.
  • πŸ“ Emoji in the titles of your projects and board sections might have been a little misaligned. That’s been straightened up.
  • πŸ› Duplicate your all-hands agenda on your work desktop, your grocery list on your mobile, or your weekly workout plan on your smartwatch β€” the experience is seamless no matter where you’re using Todoist.
  • πŸ› The counter next to the comments icon will once again show the exact number of comments counted, not a number greater or less than the number of comments there are.
  • πŸ› Not to mention, your task count should be correct, too. Sometimes math is hard! πŸ˜…
  • πŸ› Plus a touch-up on dragging and dropping in Board view.
  • πŸ› And a few more teeny tiny fixes and flourishes.
New Improved Fixed
about 3 years ago

Version 1069

  • βš™οΈ Stay up-to-date on all of Todoist’s latest features and bug fixes, thanks to a refreshed new version notification β€” you might have even seen it before you came here. 🟒
  • βš™οΈ Know where you are, no matter how far down a task list you scroll. Now not only the name of your project, label, filer, or view stays at top of your screen, but also the section or date!
  • πŸ› And a spacing fix or two to your navigation menu β€” just to make things a bit easier to read.

Global templates created for all Monster Design Kits

Hello all,

We have just released global templates for all niche design kits we have in OxyMonster.

Design set prepared.


We are very happy to announce that a huge update is ready to be released and it's gonna come very soon.

We are going to release all our blocks as a design set inside your Oxygen admin panel.

More details will be announced when we announce the final release.
